

Thursday, December 10, 2015

POL is Picking Up!

It's nearly mid-December and that means holiday break is right around the corner. We have a few updates on contest info and logistics as well as a few new resources.

Logistics and Important POL Info

The Student Poetry Clinic is happening Jan. 9th and registration is open! Please RSVP by EventBrite and then click "Contact Organizer" to provide an estimate for the number of students you plan to send.

Once you have held your school/group contest you should submit your Student Information Form through SurveyMonkey. You will need to submit the form twice - once for your champion and once for the alternate. It will probably be easiest to sit down with your student and fill this out together as we do require personal information such as parent/guardian name, phone, etc. If you'd rather type this information and send to me by email, you can download this Word version instead.

There have been a few last minute changes to semi-final groups as well as the addition of one new school, bringing us to 42 total! Here is a copy of the final list for you to download or reference the image below.

Resources for YOU

Create some buzz around POL! A Word version of the press release template shared by the NEA is available on the Arts Council's website - this is a great tool to promote your school competition and results.

The Arts Council has also created these jazzy promotional flyers for each semi-final event - you can find them here: SNHU, NHIA, Jean's, NEC! These would be great to hand out at your school competition and could encourage folks to attend the semi's! (Thank you, Emily!)

Here is a cool article on the "art of short story writing" and some creative ways to bring together arts and writing prompts. (H/T to Catherine for this one!)

If you or a teacher at your school would like to bring a poet into the classroom please contact Gordon Lang from Kingswood Regional High School - glang@govwentworth.k12.nh.us. Gordon is the Treasurer of the Poetry Society of NH and can help arrange this. (Thank you, Gordon!)

Don't forget - you can post your own questions, suggestions, resources, etc. on the Teacher's Forum page - it takes everyone to participate to make this work and be of any value so thanks in advance!

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