

POL Teacher Forum

Please use this space to leave comments, questions, and suggestions so that others can read, share, and reply!


  1. Hello Teachers! You can use this space as you please - you can leave comments, questions, or suggestions for your peers; share exciting news or school events; and ask for help finding judges or scorers.

  2. At one training I attended years ago, a teacher shared a fonting exercise handout where students chose to emphasize different words, lines, images, etc. Anyone have a copy of that any more by chance?

  3. I don't know about you, but I find the POL search engine laborious. Last year I made up a spreadsheet to make it easier to scan, sort, or browse. I've updated it for this year's body of work--a total of 1046 poems. (They took out 13 and added 75, by my count.)

    You are welcome to use them and share the following three spreadsheets. (Sorry for the cumbersome urls):

    2017-18 POL poems [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GPuVgILdh_Er8kHOQ071pAz2Jzb4Anl-LlN3DBzPDLI/edit#gid=957423882]

    2017-18 POL new poems [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A9dNJVBHyoWqRCmpj7Tcg0P7gv5koxnOYcxO5a6b0JA/edit#gid=1349829479]

    2017-18 POL purged poems [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SJhf0bToQemtLkCB_0Ruvg7t9riMOovYbE0pskurQ4c/edit#gid=1759909885]
